Sunday, July 30, 2006
Saturday, July 29, 2006
black out

Came home from work to a neighborhood power outage last night. Supposedly somebody got blind drunk and used the company truck to run over a power pole and drag it a few blocks. I felt my way to an early bed.
A sketch of another machine from a dream. Actually, it looked more rakish and powerful in the dream. Still futuristic, if in a '70s-'80s sort of way.
Friday, July 28, 2006
with a smile and a wink

Back down in Omaha and back doing the boring ol' working week ritual. Trying to wheel and deal for a unsold 2.3 turbo engine on eBay. I don't think that I'm going to get it for the price that I'm willing to pay. A little bummed that three out of four of my items on eBay ended without a single bid or buyer. Here's a sketch of a cartoon thingie from a hypnogogic dream. Kind of reminds me of Ms. Cruikshank's animations, Aaaah! Real Monsters!, or Rocko's Modern World. Maybe I'll use it for a silly alien in the Captain Saucer revival. How come you only have dreams in lightest or deepest of sleep anyway?
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
diamond b-day

Today was Mom's 75th birthday. Spent some time with her this morning before she left to spend time with Sue and the nieces. Put new wires, plugs, caps and rotor in the Pinto and finished restoring my old mags, all with my sweat dripping off in the dog day heat. Will install the timing belt and the rag joint some other time. Here's an old sketch of "Leian Chicks" and stuff from 1997. Soldier On Line is being pathetically slow in updating this blog tonight. About like pulling teeth among all the erroring out.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Did win that gauge cluster on eBay yesterday. Did a second chance buy on an in-dash AM/FM/CD/CD-R/MP3/WMA player today and got it for about half retail.
Took care of some genuine business type business in Onawa and Mapleton and wrapped up the paperwork on the house and taxes. Bought a wire-welder that came bundled with a stand and spent the rest of the day getting that together and working.
Yet another sketch of a gizmo from a dream.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
day after

Well the deal went down and the friendship survived if a little strained and chillier now.
Here's an old sketch for a Leian puppet show story inside the main story for "Meat Is Nature's Candy". This may or may not be a repete, I lose track. That's not a Flexia, but a "Zellia". Also "Enbracian Estend" and "U. Q. E. Keek".
Saturday, July 22, 2006
the least tractor that money can by

Still waiting for the friendship loan thing to hit the fan this weekend. Nearly everyone says not to loan him the money. I'm hope something can be salvaged when it all comes down.
Here's a photo of a "Zen minimalist" tractor at the county fair. I didn't notice this at first, but this thing has no steering wheel! Just a big lever off to the side doing tiller duty. I bet that's rough over bumps, clods, and rocks! I'm wondering about the origin of this thing. I'm guessing it was a Quonset-sized manufacturer during the four or five years after V-J Day when you could just about sell tons of this kind of stuff. It doesn't look cobbled enough to be homemade, but a little too cobbled to be by a "real" manufacturer.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
cool cats on a hot day

Another 101° in the shade day and I ran myself silly. Mowed the lawn. watered the flowers, and checked out the house in Soldier for one last time. Borrowed a trailer and pulled the mower home and put it in storage in a shed in the barn. Returned the trailer and moved the rest of the model rocket stuff that wasn't Swingers out of the ex-step-dad's Astro building. Installed a Sun Mini-tach that I got on eBay for $10.00 in the Wee Beastie and put the rest of the dash together. And made the trip down to Omaha to make sure the kitties were staying air conditioned on this dog day. They were.
Here's a picture that I wanted to post yesterday, a woman at the fair that looks a lot like Wingding.
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
that's the brakes....

The pictures that I wanted to post are on my other computer, so here's a sketch of a daydream instead.
Made the trip up to Soldier and spent the afternoon fixing the rear brake cylinders on Wee Beastie. They sure feel a lot more firm and postive now! Also gave it new battery cables. Went over to Butler's and saw that he has a junk Mustang II. Will ask him about parts when he's around.
Will mow the lawn tomorrow and get some Holverson Designs stuff out of ex-step-dad's Astro building.
Monday, July 17, 2006

According to the Weather Widget, the temperature reached 105° yesterday. Did summertime things in yesterday's heat like check out the county fair and parade and then parked Wee Beastie in the shade and cleaned up the upholstery and windows. Tried to start penciling a nerdette for Shon this morning but those artistic juices just aren't flowing before noon. Back to work today. Looking forward to tomorrow and fixing Beastie's brakes in the heat.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
bummer in the summer

My Mom and stepdad separating and a couple of lesser bummers in the summer, left me wondering what is wrong with and missing from my life. I am currently teetering on belatedly dropping my comics aspirations and dropping a whole lot of automotive, ATV, and model rocket project stuff on eBay. I'm going to wait until Labor Day to see if this passes and then do something about it.
At least I got tomorrow off to see the Monona County Fair.
Here's a few from the ol' sketch book. A good ol' boy that I saw at the Super Saver Supermarket, drawn from memory. I don't think that I quite captured him, probably needs to be more gaunt and sunken in the cheeks. Also a few tendencies from my '80s style that I've trying to kill off. A variation of the Von Dutch eyeball. Also a mixture of Sam Henderson's Pert Herman and the Smokey Stover Foomobile.
Friday, July 14, 2006
"residue to fly"

Just got back from a combined grocery, parts, hardware, and Runza run. Hope to get Sunday off to go up to the Monona County Fair and see the parade and sights. Posted the remaining Fun Rockets inventory on eBay yesterday.
Thursday, July 13, 2006
horrid florid

This is probably a horrible cliche.
OTOH, I feel sympathetic to that flower. Should have snapped this a day earlier when two of her buddies were blooming along with her.
Checked out a bit of the County Fair before work. Both a lot of joy and sadness. It just isn't what it use to be back when the rural economy was better.
I'm at work now. Looking out of the window and watching those blackish rain clouds blow by.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
it's been a day

Spent two hours dinking with the lawn mower two spend a half hour mowing the lawn. The did a parts run. Fixed the muffler on Mom's beater pick-up. Started to dink on the Pinto but noticed that the right rear brake cylinder is leaking. Got some rocket parts ready for eBay. An old high school friend trailered down a parts Pinto. Another with a tractor and loader helped unload it. Now just washing clothes and winding down the day.
Detail from a Captain Saucer #17 page from 1987.
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
"i'm wearing my angry eyes!"

I'm up at the farm. Had a tire swap dead end because I had the wrong type of lug nuts for the mag wheels. Got the Pinto dash halfway put to together. It was the hard half too, fitting all those odd shaped air conditioning pieces together. Vacuumed out the Pint and the Farmer's Cadillac. Cleaned up vinyl in the FC even more. Went to mow the lawn at the house that I don't live in anymore and thhe mower would barely click at best. Will fix that tomorrow.
Some of the Captain Saucer characters, plus Max the Butler drew from memory and way off model.
Monday, July 10, 2006
took a shine....

This sketch is from memory from a guy at the airport from my trip to Norman. I though that a bald guy in a suit with an ear piece is vaguely futuristic, even if he isn't "Lobot" (obscure Empire Strikes Back reference.) When I was sketching this, I released that it also has some Lex Luther qualities to it.
Tomorrow is my day off! Going to work on the pinto or go to the model rocket club party.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Saturday, July 08, 2006
all revved up and somewhere to go....

Checked out the "Live Fast" rod & custom show at the Bluffs' Mid-America Center before work. Some very inspirational stuff. Especially an atomic Googie-ish radical T-bone called the "Lunar Lander". Will probably get me going on doing some t-shirts for Cafe Press. Also various punkettes and goths in Wonderbras.
Otherwise, really muggy for a not particularly warm day.
Friday, July 07, 2006
looks like it could fly....

Fiddled around with Hello World to bring the sound more in sync with the animation.
My Mom and my step-dad split today and I'm a little bummed.
A sketch of a vehicle from a dream. Sort of mashes up two of my favorite things.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
pinto tales

Here's a screen grab from the old 8mm animation mentioned in the previous post.
Sorry. I forgot to post yesterday but I got too busy until too late.
Finished cleaning the apartment in the morning. Then drove up to Soldier and then over to the county seat. There I ate at DQ, did a parts run, got the Pinto titled, licensed, and insured.
Then went to the farm and replaced both U-joints and windshield wipers, fixed the emergency brake, and topped off the rear axle.
After supper, I took "Wee Beastie" down to the Moorhead car wash and cleaned off the engine and cargo compartment, and then washed and waxed the rest of the car. After that, I went up with an old high school friend to check out a parts Pinto up by Charter Oak. Didn't get back until after dark.
Today has been more leisurely. Just getting down to Omaha, getting groceries, and going to work.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
xmas in july

Celebrating the 4th at work. At least the overtime will pay for the pair Pinto port hole panels that I just bought. The fireworks at Rosenblatt last night were quite nice. Maybe see some tonight from the casino. Got the apartment mostly cleaned up. Will finish it early tomorrow and head up to the farm.
Posted this of Flexia and Wilfred, looking well, if slightly off model.... Mr. Feird sort of symbolizes my cartoons back in the '70s. Flexia represents the '80s and beyond.
I did this animation exactly 30 years ago today. Even if the two jolly fellows were a couple of years passe by then.
Also my favorite "Christmas in July" mash-up.
So is the brat kid shoving cherry bombs into the grumpy old coot's mailbox happen to be examples of the same personality archetype at different stages of life?
Monday, July 03, 2006
ten years on the web!

Isn't it amazing about how you think that you would just log online for only a year or two or three, and before you know it, a whole decade has passed?
Anyway, I think today is the tenth anniversary of the "Flying Flexia, 'the BAST site on the web!'" I had a place holder page up for a week and put together the pages over a few nights after work. It was edited with Adobe Page Mill on a Mac 6200. That as the last app that I saw that came on a single floppy. Ah, the System 7.5 days when 28.8 dial-up was respectable and 36.6 was a speed demon. Windows 95 on the PeeCee side with a whole lot of legacy Windows 3.1 machines. Macs had a higher clock speed than PeeCees in those days, which was conveniently ignored until a few years later until it was the other way around. The Mac clone maker Power Computing and their pugnacious mascot Jobi was a relic of that day. Sluggo by any other name is still trademark infringement.
I first put up the site on the afternoon before the model rocket club's 4th of July party. The jpegs and gifs didn't work at first, so I had a hectic two and a half hour fixing it all before the party.
I did a parts run before work toady and the lady behind the counter had the same birth date as me.
Had the building superintendent jump on my case. Seems like I was away, my uncle didn't change the cat box in a timely fashion and supposedly the box was overloaded and the cats were relieving themselves on the floor and the other tenants were complaining about the stink. It's just soooooo much fun just taking the fall for something that you couldn't control and make the super's bad list!