There are tons of cartoon and comics blogs by comics and cartoon professionals. Here's one by an electronic technician for the USPS.

Monday, July 17, 2006


According to the Weather Widget, the temperature reached 105° yesterday. Did summertime things in yesterday's heat like check out the county fair and parade and then parked Wee Beastie in the shade and cleaned up the upholstery and windows. Tried to start penciling a nerdette for Shon this morning but those artistic juices just aren't flowing before noon. Back to work today. Looking forward to tomorrow and fixing Beastie's brakes in the heat.


Blogger Dr. Syn said...

I read the post on Animation Nation, & just had to reply. Take it from a "Been there, done that".....don't do it, please. I've let too many family problems, & commentary stifle my creative progress. My productivity, for the last few years has also been sporadic. I recently became angry at myself, and for the past few weeks, discovered a new enthusiasm. Not to mention, a couple of clients for some work! Listen to others. Don't take it word for word, just letting thing spark the mind.

3:22 PM


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