There are tons of cartoon and comics blogs by comics and cartoon professionals. Here's one by an electronic technician for the USPS.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

hi ho hi ho....

Back to work today.

Here's a picture of the sunset view from Pat Pat's living room. Lucky b*st*rd! One of Jack's contrivances is in the foreground.

Forgot to mention the video game exhibit at the Science Museum. Never was much for the games but some of the obsolete tech was fun like the '60s DEC PDP-1 or the original '81 IBM PC. So was some of the original concept art. Plus I saw things that I haven't seen since Reagan like Xevious.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the vacation of tomorrow- today!

Got back from Seattle late last night. I feel rough and am recovering today. Hope to start blogging again on a more regular basis after this.

Thursday was a travel day. Got down to Phoenix, Arizona for a connection just in time for a thunderstorm. And the place has a reputation as arid. Things got slowed down and delayed as all take-offs were shuffled and squeezed to one runway. Just think, I was in Centuri City, but 30 years too late. Got to the Seattle airport about an hour and a half late. Pat and Jack picked me up and then we were all bogged in I-5 traffic all the way down to Port Orchid. Did unwind to see the Navy ships on the far side of the bay and a wonderful sunset.

Friday morning, Pat introduced me to comix writer Dennis Eichhorn and gay Country musician Pat Hagerty. Pat, Jack, and I the little ferry to Bremerton and the big ferry to Seattle. We all ate at Ivar's Pier 54. The late Mr. Ivar was apparently a real colorful local character that liked gimmicks like waffle fries when a train full of syrup wrecked and punny mottos like "Stay Calm". Pat showed me downtown and a lot of its wonderful 19th century buildings. Even saw the street that gave us the term Skid Row back in Seattle's early days as a mud road logging town. Then strolled over to the wonderfully labyrinthine Farmer's Market, which reminded me a lot of those odd places with a lot of odd little shops full of exotic and arcane stuff that you see in dreams. Then back to the ferries and Port Orchard.

Pat pulled strings with an old friend of his and got him, Lori, Jack, and me on a whale spotting boat. This pretty much took up most of Saturday. Sailed up to San Juan and saw a sea lion, a porpoise, and various baby and old orcas from the J, K, and L pods. There seemed to be as many tourist boats out there as whales along with two pontoon planes spotting them for everybody. The rest of the day was sent recuperating from the sea and Dramamine and just winding down.

Sunday, Pat was working on some paying projects, so I took the ferry and then bus trip to the Seattle Center alone. Saw the exterior of the Space Needle, but somehow didn't pay the $14 to ride to the top of the "Eiffel Tower of Googie". Did spend most of the time at the Science Museum. Of course, if you've ever been eight years old, you'll find that the animated Dinosaur display was a standout. Also caught an outside show of "Danger Science" and the Planetarium Show on the inside. I don't think that I've been in a planetarium since I was 10. A big topic of conversation there was the recent defrocking of Pluto. One kindergarten prodigy knew his Plutoian Dwarf Planets down to their astronomical catalog numbers.

After the Museum, I met up with Vicky Lee, who was a friend of the family since way back when. I gave her an Alpha DVD-R of "Tube Punk" and explained the difference and connection between Mr. Fan and Fanboy. She drove me to a couple of her favorite scenic points. One of these had a semi-circular concrete bench which gave great bathtub-like resonant echo. "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!" The she gave me a before hours tour of the palatial Paramount Theater. I even got to play air guitar on stage in the empty auditorium. Vicky and me then ate supper down by the dock. After that I ferried back down to Port Orchard.

Monday was my last full day in Washington. Pat, Jack, and I went to the Seattle Center. First was lunch in this WPA Deco building that was like a community center and a like a mall food court. Then we went to the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame. Lots of old magazine covers and articles or xeroxes of the same, plus movie props or fan recreations of the same. H. G. Wells' War of the Worlds got both sides of one wall plus one stand a lone display case. The general, but not detailed, description of the Martian war walkers give for a lot of varied interpretations. It's amazing how rough some if the movie and TV props were. You could see the painted over globs of glue holding the buttons down on a contol panel from the Enterprise from the original Star Trek.

Then the three of us saw the free section of the Experience Music Exhibit at the EMP building, which was mostly various performers costumes, including George Reeves' padded deltoid Super Suit. How can anyone look at the KISS costumes and not have a nostalgic smile? Some people say that the lumpy EMP building is suppose to evoke a guitar. Maybe one of those toddler guitars with the little crank which the toddler had left in the rear window of the family car for a little too long.

My trio walked to the piers and then ran then last mile to catch the ferry to Bremmerton in time to catch the last ferry to Port Orchard.

Tuesday was the other traveling day. Pat dropped me off to catch the Katsip Airporter bus. Then it was taking Dramamine naps on the planes back to Omaha.

Today is my last day before going back to work. It sort of reminds me of the last day of Summer Vacation as a kid, when you had your last melancholy dwindling hours to catch some fun before school starts.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

shifting gears

This is sort of a shifting gears day. Didn't work on the car at all. Just picked up around the house, did some last minute washing, and got some bills and packages in the mail, and took care of a lot of other business.

Did wish that I could have slipped in seeing if the heater motor is shorted or adjusting the choke and idle before I leave.

Tomorrow, I'm flying out to Seattle to see Pat Pat. Wish me luck. The flight leaves at 6:30 AM.

Here's the "Lion Lady" with corrected face and leg from that work in progress.

PS: Squeezed off several model rockets in a sunset launch after last night's blog. Am glad that I didn't wait because the breeze sure picked up today.

Overheard at the convenience store: "If I had that I'd drop a 302 in it."

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

canaveral, we have liftgate

If this picture doesn't say summertime or at least fun in the sun, about nothing will.

Been busy patching rust on Wee Beastie plus a few minor repairs. This has been what had keeping me too busy to blog for the past few days. Even around two days slacking off to check out the Swap Meet in Onawa and a trip down to Omaha to see if my freak felines haven't partied or burned my apartment down. My cats aren't human, and they're not wholly feline either. Now I found a stopping point and will lounge for a day while I get ready to fly to Seattle to visit Pat Pat Moriarity. Will finish and smooth up the passenger door and patch a hard to get to place under the right rear fender some time after I get back.

Otherwise, I made Mensa and am a Level 11 Electronic Technician, and some day I might even be smart enough not to buy an used car stereo off eBay....

Monday, August 14, 2006

bucolic revelations

Did find one of the Holy Grails of my missing art, "Bucolic Revelations". It was based on a weird dream.

Still wondering way my router will communicate flawlessly to all my computes but gets dropping the internet connections despite all the lights on the cable modem and router saying everything is working. I'm on my third cable between the modem and router and rebooting the router every few minutes. This is getting beyond old.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

saucer crash

Finished recreating some '93-'95 and '98 InterStellar OverDrive art at had been cut up and used for something else or the rubber cement had fell apart. Pieced together about 65 files out of about 140 files. Tedious, but giving a feeling of satisfaction when it was all over.

My cable internet was apparently hit with a double whammy of flakey modem and flakey router. Have replaced the modem and have it connected directly to the big Mac. Things seem to be pretty stable so far. Wondering what to do about the router. I'm cut off from the laser printer and the other computers without it.

Here's an excerpt from the '93-'95 art for Rip Off Press that never get published. Bauhaus style aped on skiffy hardware, Chibi parody of a really old school Mac crash, and a really healthy, mock-Teutonic alien babe.

Monday, August 07, 2006

universal corner

I've kind have been burnt out on blogs. Especially the embarrassment of posting something when I don't have anything new to say that day. Plus I've been sidetracked by life and projects.

Like installing the timing belt in the Pinto a cog or two off. Will fix on my next day off.

X and the Rollins Band was playing down the street the other night and I missed it because I was working the swing shift. Did drive by Sokol on the way home and heard a bit of "I'm Coming Over" blaring out of the building. Made this old New Wave heart nostalgic.

So I have an Alternate Rock outlet down the street, something that I would have died for back in the '80s, and I'm no even partaking in it. I need to get on the day shift to enjoy it. Plus find an S.O.

OTOH, Exene, Henry, and me are twenty some years older and past our primes than what we use to be.

Back to piecing together a couple of old comics from art that doesn't exist in it's original form anymore. Some piebald pages are from like four different sources. It can sure get tedious sometimes.

I'm flying out of Seattle to see Pat Pat Moriarity in a couple of weeks. The way things are going, I wonder if I will be able to take my iBook or cell-phone onboard.

Here's a random sketch.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

gauge cluster

Here's a mock-Rallye-Cruisin' gauge cluster that I made for the Pinto. Although, the recent electrical hassles have really dampened the fun for this project.

Got started (again) on InterStellar OverDrive yesterday. Should wrap up weekly and monthly maintenance on DBC#11 tonight. Still suffering from spotty broadband.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

the basis of humor

The classical Greeks supposedly declared that incongruity is the basis of humor.

Here's a picture on an unfortunate watermelon that plopped out of the middle of nowhere on the rural County Highway L20.

Signed up at the OKCupid site today. Filled out their forms and proceeded to match 0% of the females both locally and worldwide.

Friday, August 04, 2006

new set of wheels

Except they're from the late '70s. They were on the '80 Pinto Pony that I had from '80 to '92. Kind of like the torch being passed. I got them on Wee Beastie. The wheels cost $20 for the set used, buying them back from a buddy. The mounting and balancing cost over twice that much. So did the some expensive specialty lug nuts that I had to chase down.

Just in time for the rear fuel lines to leak and an alternator wire and battery to let the smoke out. Fighting and fixing that sure sucked the fun out of this project.

One of the supervisors from the outside take over of JSV died during an operation. Gives me mixed feelings because of the bad politics that cost me a career.

Had my Cox cable internet go dead umpteen times today and kept rebooting the modem. Will get on the horn if this keeps it up.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

chasing rainbows

Finished up my lastest Finky masterpiece last night. Will be on the Copyright page of Tube Punk.

Up in Soldier. Finally put the mag wheels on the Pinto. Haggling with somebody on eBay about a 2.3 turbo engine and five speed transmission to drop in there. Catching afternoon sprinkles and rainbows. Saw a rainbow arching over a roundish tree and it made me think of a '70s feel good graphic.