sad macs and fanboys

My Dual G5 quit burning DVDs for no apparent reason. It keeps giving me a 0x80020022 error. So far I've rebuilt permissions; run Disk Utility, Mac Janitor, and Disk Warrior; zapped the PRAM; and deleted the user library cache, but still nothing works. Going to try a different brand of DVD±R next.
Grrrr! Isn't the reason for having a Mac is not to have these stupid mystery problems?
Burnt off some frustration by piecing together a recreation of the old United Fanzine Organization version of Fanboy; The Comic Book That Comes Double Bagged. I used the originals when possible and used the reproduction from the book to fill in the gaps. The camera readies are long gone. It's interesting how removing the UFO items and adding four new pages changed the nature of the book from the UFO and the Direct Market versions.
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