There are tons of cartoon and comics blogs by comics and cartoon professionals. Here's one by an electronic technician for the USPS.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

this isn't 1991 anymore....

I feel like I lost my step-dad twice. Once through divorce and once through death. No more Christmases with him or anything.

The funeral was today. Mom was treated a bit rawly by his family. Not being included with that family, but treated as a casual guest.

Did some bodywork on Wee Beastie this afternoon, figured out where to put the speakers, and couple of other odds and ends. Replaced that burnt out chip on the in-dash player a few days ago.

This was the first day of Fall jacket weather.

Had a heads up to pick up the remaining Studebaker pick-ups at Van Der Haag Auto Salvage in Spencer, Iowa in the next few days or they'll be crushed. Decided to let it pass. This isn't 1991 anymore. Did post about it on a few Studebaker Yahoo Groups. And if you want them, go ahead and get them.


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