There are tons of cartoon and comics blogs by comics and cartoon professionals. Here's one by an electronic technician for the USPS.

Monday, September 18, 2006

funeral leave

I was thinking about how my ex-step-dad missed out on a perfectly gorgeous fall weekend. And dampened one for everybody else.

The funeral is tomorrow. Got funeral leave tonight to drive up to Soldier.

Replaced some bearings and I believe that I fixed my machine last night.

Been scanning through the second of four boxes and collecting a lot of '80s odds and ends for Tube Punk. Including some forgotten Rat Fink inspired art and some early stuff that evolved into Cseworld. Also a surprising amount of automotive custom and fantasy art from back then. Now scanning through a early '90s apazine.

Here's a picture of some cranes in the Seattle sound. I just liked the composition and the contrast of the mechanical with the natural distant background.


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