winter equinox

Yesterday's posting happened to be in the lull between two back to back blizzards. So the first day of Spring looks more like the dead of Winter.
Still scanning in some first series Captain Saucer stuff. Mainly "place holder" stuff unless the originals can be found. Some pages had their toner sticking to each other and sticking to a plastic binder. Here's an inner panel that articulates an obscured joke from yesterday's cover. Now a little instrument drawing would really improve that! Let alone enough badly faked perspective to embarrass Kirby, Liebfield, or Frank Paul.
There's a 1980 vintage drawing of Clan the Dragonman and Lumpy the Amazon that I'd like to find but still haven't turned up. Same with some spaceship drawings from around '80 and some clunky attempts at fantasy pickups from the late '70s.
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