firing on all eight cylinders....

Here's a rough for a sort of a spoof idea on Toot Whistle Plunk and Boom (shouldn't there be some commas in there?) with the reference point changed to a whole different animal.
Of course there's a lot of little things to fix and the line quality would need to be harder on the final. In the places it gets really loose, it almost has a School House Rock quality to it (oops! wrong decade!)
Anyway, it may start on a musical riff that the "air goes in here and goes 'round and 'round and the smog comes out here", morphs into a "wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round" thing.
Trying to shake a migraine and get seriously inking on Captain Saucer.
Had a dream last night where I told a snotty teacher's pet and his sycophant, "That it's better to be unpopular than mean. Especially if being unpopular isn't necessarily your fault!"
After being awake for a hour, I realized that this also applies a lot to the fan scene around here.
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