There are tons of cartoon and comics blogs by comics and cartoon professionals. Here's one by an electronic technician for the USPS.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

"i don't wanna be happy! i wanna be sad!"

Here's Puff Puff from "The Dumpy Little Princess". I might change its horns from the sides of the head to the nose to make it more monster-like and less cow-like.

Saw Van Beuren's "Sunshine Makers" on a dollar DVD last night. So were the sunny elves right in forcing the gloomy gnomes and associated animals and plants to be conform to their idea of happy and colorful? For their supposed good? Even if it's against their will and nature?

Otherwise a nondescript humpday in Norman, OK.


Blogger Unknown said...

I think it looks good cow-like, because it is not acctually cow-like. Still dragon like. ;)

8:35 PM


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